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The Intuitive Mind a Sacred Gift...Einstein

The intuitive mind, the one backing you up when you dare to be yourself. The one that suddenly shows up like having the feeling of going out for a walk and meet someone key for a present project...Certainly those "eureka"moments are not a bizarre thing after a short time noticing them, after some acknowledging that something bigger than yourself is working within. Some time in meditation or contemplation and trust may help too. We don't need to understand nor analyze what's going on, we just have to acknowledge that whatever you thought or did worked out perfectly and better than whatever you could have done or imagined. There is a higher intelligence, power wisdom or whatever you want to call it within. Here is one I like to share. "Touch of Wisdom"

Have you received a visit in the middle of a problem you thought was the worst? and after some time of entertaining the visitor who left already, the solution to the problem appears from nowhere...Writers can't deny this fact. For some, it may sound silly, but listen, it is the best you can do for yourself. Trust your gut, trust your intuition no matter what people say, think or do. It is well known that there have been many people who in the middle of a calamity have been able to lift a car to save a child, swim for minutes to free a baby, or do something supernatural, impossible under "normal" circumstances, in which we don't find the courage, strength or wisdom to face the facts. We may be limiting our mind with fear or lack of confidence. Instinct or intuition...comes out suddenly from within.

How much of ourselves is restrained because of culture? We have not been taught to express our feelings and value our intuition. We have been taught to follow rules, repeat and memorize letting the self little space to express freely. It has been said that to become fully functioning a person requires developing the ability to trust his instincts and cultivate intuitive, spontaneous modes of self-expression. Jung characterized optimal mental health as including the ability to maintain an “openness to messages from a deeper level of the unconscious”.

It seems that the influence of the media is working towards human individuality and self-expression, but how certain is it that we can be free from patterns, prototypes or traditions? Are we sure that we are not following or wanting to be like someone else and that not being nor having it is causing some kind of distress? Are we able to observe without judge so the outer world can not affect our peace?. Young free spirit wake up... it is what it is...whatever you allow in your mind...

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