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Be What and Who You Were Born To Be

Ha p p y     T o d a y !

Mariane W

"The spirit of God in me blesses and salutes the spirit of God in you"
                       Course in Miracles

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON. THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN ME BLESSES AND SALUTES THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN YOU from the "Course in Miracles" Other ideas. here sentences, ideas I wish were understood by everyone, examples are: "There is power in us more powerful than bullets....than the nuclear bomb", "The happier we are the more uplifting", "The power of love", "Minds are joined", "We are responsible for our experiences", etc. We are responsible for the way we make the world, if we could get rid of judgement and see the world as it is, no prejudice, no pretention of knowing. What if JOURNALISTS, teachers, and POLITICIANS are aware of their power in society...they would choose love, happines, positive relationships based on the seeing facts as they are. They would expect......and get what they expect. Peale (!1952 pag.92) writes "It is amazing how a sustained expectation of the best sets in motion forces which causes the best to materialize"LOVE IS THE ANSWER


Stay in the game


Even if things don't go the way we want. We can't see further...other possibilities or reasons why things happen. When something bad happens..please be open minded...something good is coming for sure. The Creator knows better what is best for us and in the right time. We need just patience and acceptance as well as surrender to create with the Creator a happy for everyone life.




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