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Some Happiness to Think About

When talking about happiness, Anthony de Mello mentioned not to allow anything nor anybody to push our buttons, to get rid of attachments and beliefs such as you need a job, a career, do this, have that to be happy. Allow no others' opinions, no ups, or downs according to approval or disapproval. In Bruce Lipton happiness is like a perpetual honeymoon state, easy to understand for everyone who has been in love. For Joel Goldsmith, McKenna and Red Hawk, being present with the Presence plays a big role. Living life as a trip when places and situations are new to experience, living like a child who is learning about life.

Observing my behavior, I realized that I was making up stories feeling pity for myself, questioned some feeling of loneliness, how I felt when someone praised me, and when someone didn't greet me. Blaming my partner didn't work. It was only in my head, and there was no more interest in fighting but in getting the facts, analyzing any change in the mood and learning that it depends on me. Thinking about the cause of my changing and find possibilities, provided me some relief.

Most of the time we act by default from the programming. We learned somehow the behavior cause of concern from someone who may have had a panic reaction and created emotional turmoil out of insecurity, lack of love, patterns, traditions, in other words, culture. We may not be able to identify from who nor when we learned the behavior but what we must understand is that it is not us and that we are free to reject it. We may realize that acting in the same manner as the programmed one does not help to solve the problem nor improve in character.

It is not about hiding feelings but being brave enough to observe, recognize, acknowledge, and face them from a nonjudgmental point of view. It's not about making excuses and ignore it. The time is right away something unusual comes to pass, think of the feeling and accept it as is. No need to name it but identify the outcomes. Nothing outside can affect you without your permission. Let's imagine that after watching the last Apple phone add you acknowledge and feel miserable because you "can't afford it," realizing that, you can save yourself from that feeling and it won't grow in strength. You may feel an urge to find ways to relieve that "sorrow" or you may search for other options. The truth...acknowledge it may be kind of enough to handle the feeling.

No matter our circumstances, rich and poor, pretty or not, the attitude towards life makes the difference. Insecurities fade away when working with the dominion we were given when creation. When accepting the truth about oneself as a child of harmony, wisdom, love and all built-in goodies and goodness within. When knowing that the Principle of life is Life itself.

Terence McKenna. You are a divine being

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