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I wonder how life would be if the illogical, weird, unthinkable, particular and singular phenomena called Quantum Physics was an easy subject to being understood. It would help us to assimilate concepts like oneness, consciousness, and miracles, among others.

Studies such us the one performed by three surgeons who imagined the person healed from a tumor, or the atoms behavior in particular ways, are heading towards an understanding of this age ideas like we are all connected, we are all one, we create our lives, the effect of prayer in positive outcome when gratitude and emotion for what it will be is what we feel while praying.

There is no doubt that we affect our environment, I don’t want to brag but I saw how students did not want to miss a breath during engaging activities. The mood that we can set in a classroom to favor learning is the one with zero stress, extreme trust and confidence, focusing on the positive, emphasizing the smallest intent of doing well, and turning away from any negative behavior.

In a research developed in the University of Virginia 2013 by Lane Beckes, James Coan and Karen Hasselmo published in the Journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, a person was given a shock and the one under observation felt the effects of the shock. And I don’t have to be a scientist to know that, or how words, or even faces, can affect other’s performance. It is like spreading whatever mood you are with at the moment. It is like the vibration of your own energy can be felt by everyone in the group. I like to mention Coan’s quote “The finding shows the brain’s remarkable capacity to model self to others; that people close to us become a part of ourselves, and that is not just a metaphor or poetry, it’s very real” here about holding hands

It is what it is and All Is Well. We came to earth to experience life supposedly without judging it. Impossible not to judge? But if we are able to perceive without fear or hate, even in what we call “bad things”, harmony shows and there is no distress. The temperature of the human body is maintained as well as his respiratory and digestive systems work 24/7. It works like the best computer, and we trust it and just let it work…Do we control it?. The same is with life; we trust that we have air, water, whatever is on our plate. This way “we create our life” can be true since everything is and what we can imagine is what we can see, work on that and have. Besides, the researches have shown that the subconscious mind does not distinguish between real events and something that you just thought about. When having a nightmare you may wake up with high heart rate, your body doesn’t know it is not “real” and shows the signs of despair, fear, anxiety, etc. Does this relate to the placebo/nocebo effect? What is observed, what is in the mind, even if it is not true, has an impact in each one's life. What we have learned, traditions, emotions other’s likes or dislikes, passed through out the times, and beliefs… is what results or become reality.

There is a lot of work to be done spreading acceptance, independence, love, care and smiles, so this way we can allow our children to feel the joy of living just for the glory of existence.

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